Minimalist & Lean

The other day, a question from the interior decorator really triggered my thinking process. After narrating my needs for interior of our home, the question came from the designer – shall I do the minimalist design?

After searching the web (now a days this activity is becoming our second nature) I got enlightened with minimalistic approach in life, and then could correlate the question asked by the interior designer.

As I see, I think some time, we are not thinking in minimalistic way while discussing the future needs and then post acquisition of the asset, we are applying lean mindset to cut the waste which was built in the process or product etc. By the way, while browsing the net I came across, which is talking about the minimalist and lean as a concept.

Were we not following the Minimalist and Lean thinking approach in our family in olden days? As far as I remember, yes, we were practicing it. For any request for something new to be bought, purchased, leased etc, the first reaction always used to be “NO”. Then we have to prepare our supporting arguments to justify the need.

I remember the CAPEX justification form, which one of my manufacturing friends used to fill in one of the organizations. There was Cost Controller, who will be scanning & approving the “CAPEX”. There used to be two adjoining cabins in finance department, where Manager Treasury and Cost controller used to sit, because of the working experience with these two gentlemen, people named these cabins as “Manager Treasury” & “Manager Misery” cabins. You will understand why, in the following narrative.

Cost controller used to question each and every supporting justification (and rightly so) with only one goal, of rejecting the CAPEX request.

  • Why you require?
  • Can we still give the required output without the CAPEX?
  • Is there some cheaper and better option?
  • Can we build it inhouse from excess and leftover material?
  • If it is approved and not utilized to capacity, can we dispose it at same price of purchase?
  • How much will be revenue loss, if we do not approve the CAPEX
  • Can we postpone it for 2 more years?
  • Can you improve on the ROI period?
  • Have you sweated out the existing resource?

He will say, they are not against “FAT”, but it should be in right place. We want fat bottom-line in financials but not fat asset and Cost of Goods (COGS).

In my opinion, this is a Minimalist and Lean thinking approach. Can’t we (and many people are) Lean in thinking, Mean in approach and still Seen as a Successful.

Lean, Mean but still Seen as successful. What is your opinion?

On second thoughts, can we practice Minimalist and Lean approach while searching the net? Is it really required information which I am seeking, can I do without it? is it a waste-full activity? Think, I will be happy to receive your opinions.

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